Circle announces its participation
in the prestigious conference “Il Doganalista: Dalla Riforma Doganale al Green Deal Europeo, dalle
Crisi Geopolitiche alle Opportunità di Crescita”, organized by the Study Commissions of the
National Council of Customs Brokers.
The event, scheduled for Thursday, January 30, 2025, from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Società
Geografica Italiana in Villa Celimontana, Via della Navicella 12, Rome, represents a unique
opportunity to delve into, discuss, and engage with industry experts, institutional representatives,
and companies on crucial topics for the future of international trade.
On December 2, 2024, the Agenzia delle Dogane e dei Monopoli (ADM) announced that Italian
companies must comply with new, stricter rules for submitting customs declarations for export and
transit (Aida 2.0).
As of January 21, 2025, ADM has finalized system adjustments to activate procedures related to
transit declaration compilation and proper management of customs processes. Regarding exports,
the transactional component, including the “exit visa” phase, is expected to be operational across
the EU by February 2025.
CIRCLE Group has successfully met regulatory compliance, offering an integrated solution
combining the functionalities of the ACCUDIRE Platform—designed for managing the e-CMR
(Electronic Consignment Note)—with the digitalization of customs processes. Among its key
features is the Digital Export Module, designed to digitalize export customs declarations and
efficiently manage the information flow associated with accounting amounts and clearance
In addition, several innovative customs-related solutions (e.g., International Fast and Secure Trade
Lanes, interoperability with port and intermodal nodes, document dematerialization, eFTI
compliancy) have been implemented in recent months and will be shared.
The event program includes accreditation at 9:30 a.m., institutional greetings and expert
presentations at 10:00 a.m., and numerous opportunities for discussion and networking. In an
increasingly complex global context, where international trade challenges intersect with new
customs regulations and sustainability, the expertise of sector specialists is crucial for businesses
aiming to navigate the global market successfully.