Enabling supply chain visibility and efficiency through cargo and e-document tracking & tracing.
The innovative and strategic modular solution for optimizing freight transport, focused on digitalized port logistics and real-time information obtained from intelligent nodes along the supply chain.
We enable the exploitation of the potential of automated procedures across the international global door-to-door supply chain through integration with Milos® IoT Platform and connectors, that allow logistic data and security information to be shared as digital data flow, supported by innovative technologies (RFID, OCR, Blockchain, Notarization) and smart devices integration (Tag, e-seals, Container Monitoring Units).

Every day, Transport and Logistics operators need to adapt their operations, connecting their systems with an everchanging number of protagonists and solutions.
Circle Group Federative Services enable quick and simple interoperability between existing intermodal supply chain platforms, improving decision-making efficiency and operational optimization.
By using customized connectors, the legacy systems can easily and automatically dialogue with the surrounding logistics environment, effectively integrating the information made available by the connected third parties’ systems.
- Cost and time saving
- Reliable, secure and updated data, avoiding manual errors
- Positive impact on the environment
- Availability of “smart systems” with proactive decision-making support (i.e. notarization)
- Compliant with data management policies
Main References

Manufacturing & Distribution

Milos Global Supply Chain Visibility is an innovative suite designed for industrial companies that can benefit from a single dialogue tool with all the actors involved in the process, ensuring continuous monitoring and control of the supply chain.
- Immediate and simplified access to services offered by different carriers / shipping companies worldwide through a specific connector, saving time and reducing costs
- Reduction of manual errors and boosting speed for shared documentation, thanks to the digitalization of information flow
- Thanks to integration with shippers’ ERP systems, it is possible to automate some business processes, like proof of delivery, invoicing, allocation of costs
- Visibility can help to gain insights on aspects such as shipping costs, CO2 emissions, quality of service, carrier performances, carrier quality report etc.
- Security guarantees thanks to the integration of new technologies and digital tools (IoT, Blockchain, Digital Twin, AI) to create information flows that include control of operations and events occurring within the logistic chain
Main References

Freight Forwarders & Customs Operators

MasterSPED® is the evolutive platform developed specifically for Freight Forwarders and Customs Operators, integrated with goods’ Tracking systems (also using IoT devices) and with intermodal transport informative systems (air, rail, road, maritime). MasterSPED®, also thanks to integration with Milos®, allows a great recovery of efficiency, reduction of costs, and increase in performances, as required by major international importers and exporters.
- Evolved port import procedures
- International Fast & Secure Trade Lane and integration with Internet of Things
- Single Windows (Su.Do.Co)
- Intermodal Integration for Multimodal Transport Operator
- Port Community System integration with port security, pre-arrival and fast gate
- Intermodal Optimization
- Simplified export procedures
Main References

Freight Forwarders & Customs Operators

Milos® Federative & Customs Services (Customs Registers, e-Manifest, etc.) is a set of tools and services enabling easy and up-to-date interoperability among different actors of the logistics chain and customs processes.
These services allow customs information to be shared between the parties involved in the import/export process, guaranteeing data security and reliability. Integration with the latest services provided by national Customs (consistent with EU e-Customs 2025 Plan) makes the most advanced tools available to Shippers, Freight Forwarders, Carriers, and MTOs.
- Overall control of data and information
- Improvement of the logistic process in terms of service quality and level of security (avoiding frauds and manual errors)
- Security and operative cost reduction
- Transit and dwell-time reduction
- Positive impact on the environment
Main References

Latest Articles

Circle Group announces the launch of the new MILOS® Federative Services Maritime Tracking Solution
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